Haven't arrowed my bird yet but the opportunities have been there. Last time out, thirteen sightings in one of our woodlots!! Called in a hen, and of course had to pass. Called in a jake but he wouldn't jump over the dead fall log that was protecting his body as he eyeballed my decoy! And finally, we called in three jakes to our hen decoy and I spent too much time wondering if the jakes were in my comfortable bow range....so my buddy unleashed his shotgun (i hunt with gunmen).....next time: no think, just DO!!! As a side note, I've not been wearing camo, and have been using only natural blinds. Some of the blinds I've constructed, and the other blinds are just small bushes I hide behind. Very successful at getting these birds close. When the hen came in to bow range I was just standing beside a tree but not moving a muscle. I love this Turkey hunting stuff! It's damn exciting!!!