Ole Jim is gettin pretty good ain't he? :rolleyes: .... :D
I've told this story before but not for awhile. Around 1982 we had a longbow league going in Jims hometown before we formed the Michigan Longbow Association. Jim was just getting into longbow shooting and one day he told me he wanted to make a longbow. He ask me how he should go about it. I told him there was a lot involved, that first he had to make a bow form, no small task, get laminations, riser woods and there would be a lot of trail and error before he produced his first usable longbow.
It was about a week or so when Jim showed up at league night and showed me a longbow. At that time there were only a few bow makers making longbows and I didn't recognize this one. When he told me that he made it I was flabbergasted :eek: I couldn't believe that he could have made such a good looking bow in such a short time.
That was the first indication of the Jims extraordinary talant.
Jim is not only a great bowyer but a very generous person. I couldn't begin to guess how many bows he has made and donate to worthy causes over the years.
2-BIG, congratulations, you've got a great bow