So, I can't legally hunt with my Morrison that has Copperhead skins?
The way I understand it, it wasn't legal to ship to MS to begin with. It also includes rattlesnakes native to MS, including canebreak/velevet tail rattlers. I imagine in also included beaver tails and gar skins. I've never heard of anyone getting even a ticket, but it's the law.
Ok, here's what the MDWFP web site says.
Person cannot buy or sell or offer for sale, or exchange for merchandise or other consideration, any game animal, game bird or game fish (regardless of whether it was taken in or out of Mississippi), except as follows: the skins and sinew of legally taken deer may be bought or sold at any time and the carcasses of raccoons and muskrats may be sold for food during the open trapping season, and raccoon carcasses may be sold during the open gun season on raccoons.
It is also illegal to buy or sell any non-game wildlife native to the State of Mississippi ."
Site addy is .
I found out about this stuff when I wanted to start selling skins. Seems crazy to me too.