June 1 of last year I moved into my retirement home. Had I known then what I know now, I may have waited for one more winter to pass.
But I survived and thoroughly enjoy each and every day.

How fortunate we are in this time and place we live, to be able to choose our own lifestyle and destiny.
Wanted to share a bit of this with all of my friends.
God Bless.
The first year with no indoor plumbing and 2 space heaters to keep me warm in the coldest winter in Nebraska for the past 25+ years.
You'll never guess what purpose this served.

OK, Half of you got it right.

I still haul water from town because the well isn't drilled yet, but the inside is becoming real comfortable.

Took a walk today down by the creek looking for sheds and did a bit of stumping. Killed a couple stumps, found no sheds.

With all the winter snow melt and over 2" of rain this past weekend, the beaver dam's got demolished, but those guys are busy rebuilding.

And now Spring is here. I love it. And by next year, I hope to have indoor plumbing.