I leave for a while and man it looks like alot of folks have expressed my feelings on this subject! I do feel it was the outfitters job to handle that situation and he put it off on us! That was wrong!!! Heck, some guys drove 20 hours to hunt and others flew in from the West Coast!! I was not wimping out on them but felt it best to let them make the call. See I was the outsider in this group and asked to join them as they needed a few more hunters to make the required 11/12 bow hunter. So not knowing these guys at all (besides some brief conversation on TradGang) really caused me to keep my mouth shut which is a hard thing for me to do! LOL!!
Most of these guys do not have access to hogs and I could see the enthusiasm at the begenning of the hunt! When they decided to let the other group hunt, I had a bad feeling in my gut about that decision! Outwardly I tried to act positive about the decision but heck, I can hunt hogs close to home and did so the week before this hunt!
Again this was the outfitter job to handle, not the hunters! We fullfilled our end of the bargin!
In closing I want to add that the fellowship was great, got to meet some great new traditional guys, and shoot alot of longbows and recurves. Man those compounders just do not understand that!!! LOL!
PS: One of the guys from the other group asked me how I aimed my bow and how I shot so well?
My answer: Do you aim a baseball when you throw it? Smile!!!