Thanks to all! GMMAT- Beth informed me Dave had missed weight on a few bows with the woodland green camo so that took care of the excess they had, I am sure your bow is safe
. She called to inform me of this 6-8 weeks ago to let me know she had enough for one side of my limbs but not both!! I thought then I had to decide on a different limb veneer--I talked to Brian Wessel at the K-Z00 trad show about getting some of his myrtle for my Silvertip because for those of you have seen his woods, they are stunning! Fred's new Talltines bow is a shining example of this.
Brian informed me at the time he did not have any to spare so I asked Beth to look around for some and I would do the same. We exhausted the search and I asked Beth if I could have the Green camo on the one side and stained to match curly maple on the other--Sounded like a good contrasting match to me! After we settled on that, Dave had begun building my bow and Brian of Talltines contacted me to let me know he was able to find enough myrtle for the veneers on my Silvertip-- I thanked him for his efforts and stuck with my original decision of the green camo that I had my heart set on.
I suppose I will order a Tall Tines now
--In Myrlte of course! Just waiting for Brian to perfect his 1 piece recurve design.