It sounds to me that you guys in Jersey have way too many bears. I've talked to my bud Bentpole about it for a while.
Aside from the importance of game management, do they ever report any Nusiance Bear's? I would think the Public would be in outrage, over Bear Human encounters. Especially with the population where it seems to be.
Seems to me the Animal rights groups, have deep pockets out there.
Its ironic, here in Minnesota they started up the bear season years ago, and intially there were lots of hunters/interest. Then it seems lately, people have cooled off to the whole thing, and some zones I believe you can buy two tags. Here in MN it is imperative to Bait for the most part.
I can see the point of removing the Carcass of the game.
A tool that works really well for Deer Hunting, is one of those Deer Carts, I'm not sure how much weight you can find them to take, but they are slick.. Even for a out of shape, dude like me. :eek: