After having a great year with my recurve and longbow I wanted to post a few pics of some deer that made it through a tough little winter here. All these bucks were still alive in January on my place and can't wait to see what they become next year. I am blessed to have a nice little spot to hunt at my home and good neighbors who are trying to help me grow some really good whitetails! Can't wait until Oct 1st when I will have my recurve at the ready!
This ol girl is now 4 1/2...she kicks out a couple fawns a year. One year she dropped a "grey" button buck. Way cool.
He will be something in a couple years. He snort-wheezed about a hundred times prior to this photo. I thought he was a giant!
This buck nearly got shot. 10 yards at one point. I saw him in Feb and he is going to be a good 'un.
This is a great young buck that was in longbow range 5 or 6 different times. I call him the house buck because he always seemed to be hanging around.
Sorry 'bout the blurry photo but he only stood still for a bit. He is 3 1/2 years old and I hope he gets into bow range next year.
One of the guys: my wife found this nice little shed in our driveway. He along with about 20 other deer were in my south food plot the other night.
One of four does that fed my family this year. Didn't take a buck with my recurve this year but got alot of table fare.
That's it! Bring on the gobblers...