OK! Thanks I will!
David Camp aka Shinken was very generous! Thank you David!
Here's the list: These aren't in any particular order
A (2 books- Witchery of Archery & The Traditional way by Fred Anderson
B (The latest edition of TBM
C (one set of chop sticks- that if I were still building bows would be used to make wooden pins to go in a fishtail splice.
D (I set of really cool rattling horns- i think I'll just hang them up since they have character
E ( a belt and nice plaid wool shirt, they both will need another new owner, I'm bigger than they are..lol
F ( a call, not sure if its crow, duck, or deer since I can make all 3 sounds with it..lol
G (A shooting glove and a NIP Elite finger tab
H ( a baggie of string silencer material. could be badger but that's just a quess
I ( Seal skin arrow rest material
J (Skookum Solo Stalker- single arrow attachable quiver NIP
K (3 Judo or judo look alike points
L ( a baggie with a whole bunch of 125 grain screw in field tips
I made out like a bandit!!
The most amazing part is that David too the time to individually wrap each item that could be wrapped.
How very cool is this? WAY!!!!!!!!
Thank you David from the bottom of my heart!!
God bless,Mudd
PS I sure hope I didn't miss anything but I'm pretty sure I didn't.
Unless he intended to put in an invite to Washington for an elk hunt...lol(J/K) I don't want everyone knowing how greedy I can be...lol