1. Permanone? Cotton shirts/pants? I've searched and found threads saying cotton is NOT the right choice. What is? And, will permanone do the trick on the flying insects (utilizing cotton garb)?
Not sure why cotton wouldn't be the right choice...less I misunderstood something. I wear cotton all the time and the cotton I wear is quiet as well, and if you spray the Permanone on the outside of your cloths and let it dry you wont get ticks or sick. Wont do much for flying insects but its kept me from getting chiggers so far.
2. Pack contents? I'm guess (sans calls), the same things I'd take elk hunting is what I want to take, there? First aid kit; knives; lights; hydration .....the normal stuff? I just bought my elk pack (Badlands Diablo), and I also have a nice, big fanny-pack system. I'm sure the heat will make me want to take the fanny pack. Good call? Am I close enough to civilization to not NEED the larger pack (with heat being "a" factor)?
Pack light. Knife, broadhead sharpener, flashlight, snake, water, and yes pack your thermacel. I've killed plenty of hogs while the themacel was running. If they smell it, they are going to smell you. They are even more likely to smell you since the thermacel sent rises up and doesn't radiate off like your sent does.
3. Thermacell......I own one. I like it. I don't own a means of carrying it on my person. How well does this work? Any suggestions on a "holster" and where to attach it?
See above. Nice to have if you are set up somewhere, and you can affix it to the top of your fanny pack. Also hard to pick a spot with cypress swamp swarms trying to suck blood out of your eyes if there's been a hatch.
4. Gotta anchor, somewhere. I can shoot with a facemask, and do for deer hunting. If the bigs are as I hear, though, I'm not going to be able to bear them with a bare face. I've got 6 weeks to prepare for however I may need to shoot, there. If that's a mesh headcover....so be it. If there's another route (sprays/etc...), I'd like to know that (my preference).
Once again, I may have missunderstood this question. You need to anchor in the same place no matter what if all possible...and what do you mean 'if the pigs are as I hear'?
5. Anyone who's ever been to Ray's.....what's the typical protocol for hunting? Alone? with a partner? Not really a "concern", here. But, it brings things into the picture like communication.
Alone...and sometimes paired up with a plan usually at Ray's. Two can spread out and work a woodlot together no problem....just need to make sure both are on the same page when hogs are spotted by who and who gets the stalk, and how the other one is going to stay clear but downwind from an visual vantage point
6. What do you guys pack for food in warmer temps? I hunt high temps a lot (I live in NC...and our early deer season is sweltering). I don't ever pack food for my hunts, as I'm typically out there for 3-4hrs. at a time.
I usually do take a snack as I can at times burn a lot of calories at times moving fast on a milk run from likely area to another likely area I suspect hogs are. But gear way down once reaching those areas. Beef Jerky, and Cheese crakers, vienna sausages etc...
Thanks for fielding my barrage of Q's. I thank you, in advance, for your replies/suggestions.
No worries.....nice to see another hunting inquiry thread!!!