Charlie, you've got everything you need: a lifetime of adventures, an excellent recollection of all of them, lots of great photos, time and desire to write (I hope!), a well-earned reputation as one of the great story tellers in traditional archery, and most importantly, a genuine talent for bringing those stories to life with humor and intelligence.
I'd bet dollars to doughnuts enough copies could pre-sell here on Trad Gang to enable you to walk into a printer's shop with cash in hand.
I'll put my money where my mouth is. You tell me what a book will cost and I'll send you payment in advance for three copies (signed, please, sir!).
If JC and Rob come up with a great way to finance the book, that's wonderful! I'll support them every way I possibly can, although they're far smarter and business savvy than I'll ever dream of. If you want to test the waters by getting a feel for pre-sales, like I said, I'm in for three!