As many have already said, two-blade broad heads worked just fine for decades before three and four blades came along. I suppose if an Indian could have knapped a three-blade they would have, but the "flat" profile is what they worked with. Big flat two-blades fly better with a larger fletch put on with a good helical twist. Tiny feathers fletched parallel to the shaft won't do it.
I have used the MA-2 for years, along with other two-blade versions and they are what I have confidence in. I have used the three-blades (Wensels, Snuffers, etc.) and they are fine broad heads which will kill effectively. My problem is that I can't get them as sharp as my two-blades. It's my own fault, not the broad heads. I can get the two-blades shaving sharp with little effort, but can grind the others to nothing before I get a good edge.
Use what makes you feel right, but the two-blades will kill just as well as three, four or whatever else. As has been said may times. It's where the broad head goes, not necessarily what it is shaped like, that does the job.