Every spring my family goes to Florida to visit my inlaws. We always get a fishing liscense but only so we can do some bowfishing. I am ready. We are leaving on 4-1 and driving the 1000 miles and will stay the week. I got an order today with a couple more fishing arrows and 3 weeks ago I bought a Wing recurve to get another bowfishing rig set up. This year my 8 year old has his first bowfishing rig to use. He has gone before but he only pulled fish in..no shooting. I'm hoping for his first trad kill....fish this time. My 17 year old son is a seasoned bowfisherman. I started him about the same age as his younger brother. We are hoping the gar are plentiful as well as the other species. Last year the gar were scarce but we had plenty of non-native catfish to shoot at. I think they are similar to a algae eater, funny looking fish. We saw 1000s of them and hit a few.
Are any other trad gangers bowfishing around Okeechobee? Are you having luck seeing fish? I'm sure we will see something. I'll try to get some pics when we go and will post when we get back.