Challenge, simplicity and satisfaction...thats what trad is. Like jerryb I also started out wheels; I was mesmorized by all the gagitry and awed by the speed but there was something very important lacking,I just was not sure what. I would say to myself "one of these days I'll get myself a recurve or long bow just to play around with".
When I did get my longbow it was instantly clear what I had been missing...challenge, simplicity and satisfaction. You've heard the biker saying "ride to live, live to ride" my motto is "shoot to live , live to shoot". Weather permitting I shoot every day and never tire of it, there is nothing like the feeling of seeing the arrow fly flawlessly through the air and then hit exactly where you's like therapy, it melts away stress and calms the soul. It's just you the bow and the arrow, nothing more; when the arrow flys true and hits the mark you know that you did it; it's almost magical when it all comes together. You cannot say that about shooting wheels, most compound shooters I know only shoot a little before hunting season or maybe a couple 3D shoots & other than that they don't shoot at all after the newness has worn off; I believe the reason is because it offers no real satisfaction, with a couple days of practice anyone can shoot wheels reasonably well, not so with stick and string... it demands a total commintment but the rewards are well worth it. Anyway, thats my opinion. One thing I have noticed is that since I have been trad (3 yrs now)and no longer own a compound I tend to feel a disdain for compound users, that is something I don't want to allow because we all have to start somewhere and like myself many folks start there.