Steve O, I know exactly what you mean, having compared the standard grip to my old Martin Hunter and my Silvertip. And my Bears. When I first picked-up my old SAIII, I shot it so much that the sharpness you describe really hurt. But, then I got used to the feel, and it didn't bother me again. Friday afternoon, my mate and I were shooting, he with his PSA and I with my Silvertip. We swapped bows, and there was that sharp feeling again - not terrible, and not enough to make me dislike the experience, but noticeable. I have a PCH coming, and it will have the Asbell grip, so I'll be able to report on the difference it makes. I want to stress that I am a very flexible archer who can happily shoot nearly any bow after an initial period of adjustment, and I love Black Widows. I have biggish hands, and I wonder if that makes a difference.