John Dill and I went down to hunt a few days with my friend Cory Mattson. We had to go into town friday and decided that since we were right down the road, we would stop and visit Ray. We rode up just as he was briefing a group from In. about to go out hunting. My first time to meet Ray and visist his place. I thought we might be intruding, but no , he invited us to stay for lunch (which was worth the trip by the way) and showed us his photo album of some of the pigs and stuff that had been taken there. I recognized a few of you guys in the pic. All in all a cool place and a very nice and laid back guy. If I did'nt have a place to hunt hogs in that area, I would surely be booking with Ray for my hog hunting needs. I'll try and post a pic or two that we took later. Right now I got to go cut up some meat. later Don Batten