Since I'd made a pretty decent mess with the 18 egg carton, I decided I should quickly get the wax paper out and put both cartons on some of that. Once they were all poured up, I took them out to the garage and put them on the cool concrete to harden.
You can see in the above picture that the wood and cardboard soak up some of the wax; the six on the right needed to be refilled. I took the cartons off the wax paper after they'd hardened up enough and found out where more of the wax had gone...
But, I just took off the extra wax and after melting it again, filled the low ones back up. Now comes the fun part. Once sufficiently hardened, I cut off one of the little buggers.
I trimmed most of the excess cardboard off the top, leaving a short lip, then took it to the back yard.
Darned near shocked me how well it burned. After about a minute, the green grass appeared as if it may cause the fire department to be called, so I hosed it off. Here's how it looked after.
So, there you have it. Whole thing took me 15 or 20 minutes-would've been shorter if I hadn't messed up a few times... I'm thinking next time I do it, I might put a small amount in each spot to harden first, maybe lessening the leakage? I'm also assuming that if you use saw dust, it'd probably soak up that wax really well. Either way, they look like they'll be good and handy to throw in the pack.