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Author Topic: Bad News Bow Shipping  (Read 4518 times)

Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #60 on: April 25, 2010, 11:29:00 AM »
even if you double cardboard box a t/d bow shipment yer playing russian roulette.  it's just a slightly compressed and corrugated box of paper.  

take yer nice $1000+ t/d blacktail and stick it in a box and then jump on it with both feet and all yer weight.  oops.  something got broke and it wasn't yer foot.

now do the same thing with yer very expensive bow inside a schedule 40 pvc tube.  now ya get it?

don't think a shipper with step on yer box?  do you also believe in the tooth fairy?  :laughing:    

as one who used to ship bows in cardboard boxes made of ticky tacky, i have seen the light ... using anything less than pvc tubes with wood or plastic end caps is expecting far too much from any shipping vendor, particularly in these trying economic times.

wanna use cardboard?  good luck - y'all will need that luck far more than if ya went with pvc.
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Offline Gapmaster

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #61 on: April 25, 2010, 01:14:00 PM »
I have been using 4 inch, stiff perforated drainage pipe and slip caps for years now. They make stiff and flexable. I use the stiff pipe. You can get it at Home Depot or Lowes. It's the only way I'll do it. I usually keep 2 on hand in the shop. A 10 foot length costs right at 10 bucks, stiff and strong but not near as heavy in weight as the schedule 40. Wrap the bow completely on bubble wrap and put in the tube. I usually send little extras (goodies) with the bow when I send one and there's room for all that too. Works great. Gapmaster
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Offline LBR

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2010, 04:15:00 PM »
I read these threads and I don't get it--must be a regional thing?  

I've recieved and shipped literally hundreds of bows over the last dozen to 15 years or so, nearly all in cardboard boxes.  They are shipped to me here in the Southeast from Southwest Canada--a pretty long haul from the start.  Most of my shipping is within the lower 48, but I've also shipped a lot of bows to AK, HI, and as far away as Hungary, Romania, Australia, France, Italy, etc.  99+% via USPS.

One thing I don't use much of is bubble wrap--I like foam wrap and/or newspaper.  If I use bubble wrap, it's in conjunction with one of the other two, especially on the pointy ends--they poke through bubble wrap too easily for me.  

I'm not stingy with packing material (old newspaper is cheap).  I've had customers tell me their box looked scary when they got it, but the bow inside was just fine.

I do insure every bow I ship, but I've never had to use it.  I also always ship via Priority Mail (in the U.S.)  I'm confident that, if I did have a problem, it wouldn't be a hassle getting it resolved--nice thing about small town post offices, they really do appreciate your business--at least the two I use do.

I have used carpet cobs for shipping longbows, just because I had them handy.  No problems with those either, other than they are heavy and cost more to ship.  A good, heavy wad of newspaper wrapped around the tips, then more crammed in on top, will keep it from pushing through the duct tape if you don't have a wood or plastic end-cap.


Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2010, 04:34:00 PM »
it's really good to hear you haven't ever had any bow shipping damage problems.  

if i didn't have a need to start this thread, i'd surely be with ya on using cardboard boxes.

however, one nearly destroyed bow is just too much for me, so i've changed my bow shipping container material for all future bow shipping, 1pc and t/d.  

if it was a hassle, or not at all cost effective, i probably would stick with cardboard for shipping.  but for shipping all longbows, at a nominal cost of less than $5 for each drain pipe tube shipping container ($7.12 for a 10' pipe at lowes, buy two, get three bow shipping tubes), to me, using drain pipe a no-brainer.
IAM ~ The only government I trust is my .45-70 ... and my 1911.

Offline dakota tim

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2010, 05:59:00 PM »
I had one arrive in the triangle box that looked like yours Rob.  I have always used PVC or a carpet tube & assumed everyone else did too.  Silly me!

Now when I'm interested in a buying a bow off the board I ask how they ship.  I've passed up bows before just because the seller said "cardboard box".
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Offline vtmtnman

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2010, 07:10:00 PM »
Originally posted by Rob DiStefano:
from impractical to gambling, here are most material options for shipping out all stickbows - you pick the one you think will work best ...

1. steel pipe (hah!)
2. schedule 40 pvc
3. drain pipe lightweight pvc
4. heavy cardboard carpet tube
5. light cardboard carpet tube
6. triangular cardboard box
7. rectangular cardboard box

though i'm not at all adverse to using heavy carpet roll tubes, from several practical standpoints, it's easiest and best for me to use pvc tubes for all stickbow shipping, insured and confirmed.  

y'all choose wisely.
Considering we're talking about USPS,I'd choose the steel pipe.  :thumbsup:
>>>>--TGMM family of the bow--->

Offline LBR

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #66 on: April 25, 2010, 07:25:00 PM »
The main reason I use boxes is I recycle the ones that the bows are shipped to me in.  

I don't blame you for going with your experience--if I ever get one trashed, I'm sure I'll consider something different.  

The odds are with me--I'll have to ask to be sure, but I know CM has shipped thousands upon thousands of bows in boxes, and I don't think they ever had one get trashed.

I take responsibility for the shipping, and any damage that might be incurred.  So far, it's just more cost effective for me and my customers--shipping costs are getting worse and worse.  If I only shipped a few a year, a pipe would look like a lot better option.


Offline Lost Arra

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #67 on: April 25, 2010, 07:44:00 PM »
I just received a custom longbow packed exactly like Chad does it (rectangular box-foam wrap) plus foam pieces to prop the bow rather than newspaper. The bow was also in a bowsock. Arrived in two days from Wisconsin unharmed.

I sold a bow last week and shipped it like Rob in pvc. My shipping cost exactly twice what it cost the bowyer to ship the custom to me.

Offline Bowwild

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #68 on: April 25, 2010, 07:48:00 PM »
Guys, I hear you. Like I posted I have very little experience shipping or receiving traditional bows -- my wife could tell you exactly how many I've received. I read many of these posts before shipping the 62" recurve to Homer, AK.  I wanted to ship it in PVC but the bow wouldn't fit in 4" diameter pipe and the next size available to me was 6" and at least twice as thick and VERY HEAVY.  I was anxious shipping the bow but it made it--I packed very heavily but I'm sure a stomping handler could have damaged the bow.

I kept the bow my new BT arrived in. I plan to use it if I ever move a one-piece recurve again but I don't intend to move another one. I will be selling a couple TD bows and I plan to ship them in the cardboard, foam-lined boxes they came in to me.

I agree with Rob and others insurance won't be good enough compensation if a bow I've bought is damaged - -who wants to start the build clock ticking all over again?! Not me.  This thread has caused me to think. Maybe I'll try to figure out a cheap and light way to make a wooden box for the TDs I'll be selling, to make sure. I'd rather (I don't mean this to sound as bad as it might) learn from the lessons of some on this thread than have my own bad shipping experience.

Offline LBR

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #69 on: April 25, 2010, 07:55:00 PM »
"who wants to start the build clock ticking all over again?!"

Good point, if you are selling used or your bowyer puts you at the back of the list.  Neither of those is the case with me--if I bow I ship were to be damaged, it's moved to priority status and will be replaced asap--within weeks, not months.  

I won't call anyone stupid for spending the extra money on a tube.  I just don't think I am stupid for going on my experience of hundreds of bows and Chek-Mate's experience of thousands of bows.

Offline cwbyengraver

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #70 on: April 25, 2010, 08:40:00 PM »
Hay just received a bow in the mail 2 weeks ago in the triangle cardboard box. half the box was smashed and almost ripped in half. when I came in to work and seen it my stomach started to hurt. when I opened it man what a relief one little nick where the box was broke. after reading the stories here I feel lucky.

Offline swampdrummer

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #71 on: April 26, 2010, 12:03:00 AM »
For my limited shipping ( 4 bows in a year) I take the time and spend the money to build a wooden box. 1X3 pine for the sides and flooring for top and bottom.I had a stack of laminate flooring. 1/4 inch thick with the padding already attached too the laminate. Some of the leftover foam padding from the same project wrapped around the whole bow. Double wrap the tips and fill in any spaces with bubble wrap.

Yeah, its expensive but I don't have any trouble sleeping at night while the bow is in transit.

Cost me 40 something bucks for a 58" shrew. Shipped a take down silver tip for 26 and change.

Funny story. Postmaster commented on me wanting insurance for the silver tip. Said I didn't need it with the "bombproof" box. Then he paused for a second and said. "You've dealt with the USPS before haven't you?" I said, "yessir, I have... " enough said, LOL
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Offline Jeff Strubberg

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #72 on: April 26, 2010, 05:03:00 PM »
I shipped a 1 1/2" square osage stave once in a schedule 40 PVC tube with heavy end caps.  Somehow UPS manage to bust through the end cap, roll about ten inches of the stave out and break it 90% of the way through!

Now, I'm pretty sure I could have pried a one ton dually out of a ditch with that stave.  I still have no idea what they did to break that stave, much less the packaging.

Shipping is such a crap shoot...
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Offline BobCo 1965

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #73 on: April 27, 2010, 09:29:00 AM »
I have had only one bad experience, and that was with the triangle boxes USPS Priority. It was my MOAB sent from Jim. When it arrived, one of the ends was sticking out one end of the box. I examined it in front of the postmaster before accepting it and luckily there was no visual damage to it, again luckily.

Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2010, 09:40:00 AM »
Originally posted by Jeff Strubberg:
I shipped a 1 1/2" square osage stave once in a schedule 40 PVC tube with heavy end caps.  Somehow UPS manage to bust through the end cap, roll about ten inches of the stave out and break it 90% of the way through!

Now, I'm pretty sure I could have pried a one ton dually out of a ditch with that stave.  I still have no idea what they did to break that stave, much less the packaging.

Shipping is such a crap shoot...
a perfect argument for using a steel pipe shipping tube.  :laughing:
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Offline TheFatboy

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #75 on: April 27, 2010, 09:43:00 AM »
Jeff, that is just unimaginably unlucky. My bow came in a stiff PVC tube, also packed in a cardboard box. Those PVC tubes are tough. I tried hacking one apart with my sword, and it took several cuts to slice it apart. I like that.
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Offline Bowwild

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #76 on: April 27, 2010, 04:47:00 PM »
I'm wondering now if I should drive to Rose Oak Creations in NW Ohio come November 30th?

LBR, that's very cool that you would help someone out that would lose a bow to shipping.

Offline Hattrick

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #77 on: April 27, 2010, 09:25:00 PM »
 it can happen with PVC tubes also, i had that happen to me a 8' poster roll shoveled in it with my bow case the bow was punctured 8" out the other end.   ! I was leaving in three weeks for Africa I was sick!   the fed x guy an i could not pull them apart i made him watch while i circular  sawed the PCV pipe in half to get my bows out... The only thing i can think is they loaded his truck with fork lift an shoved  the poster through my case..ANY THING CAN HAPPEN WHEN BEING SHIPPED  NO MATTER HOW WELL PACKED....Luckily my bows were fine just sum miner scratches ...

Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #78 on: April 27, 2010, 10:10:00 PM »
Originally posted by Hattrick:
 it can happen with PVC tubes also, i had that happen to me a 8' poster roll shoveled in it with my bow case the bow was punctured 8" out the other end.   ! I was leaving in three weeks for Africa I was sick!   the fed x guy an i could not pull them apart i made him watch while i circular  sawed the PCV pipe in half to get my bows out... The only thing i can think is they loaded his truck with fork lift an shoved  the poster through my case..ANY THING CAN HAPPEN WHEN BEING SHIPPED  NO MATTER HOW WELL PACKED....Luckily my bows were fine just sum miner scratches ...
i hear ya ... bad things can always happen.  still, what would have happened if you went with cardboard instead of pvc?
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Offline LBR

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Re: Bad News Bow Shipping
« Reply #79 on: April 27, 2010, 10:42:00 PM »
what would have happened if you went with cardboard instead of pvc?
That's easy.  If it had been shipped in a cardboard box, the more uniform shape and lighter mass weight would have insured the package stayed in place at or near the top of the pile, thus avoiding the fork entirely.


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