Referring to Tom's post above: "If custom ordered I will usually go just a slight bit more positive tiller on the top limb for a three under shooter (around 1/4") but I have taken my standard 1/8" to 3/16" standard tiller and shot three under with perfect arrow flight."
This is also essentially what Black Widow does. If a customer orders a bow tillered for 3 under, the bow will have MORE positive tiller than if the bow were ordered for split fingers. This is the opposite of what everyone is saying here! Most bowyers will say that a bow tillered for 3 under should be even tillered, or perhaps a little bit of positive tiller, but LESS positive tiller than for split fingers.
At first, I thought I was misunderstanding what BW was saying, but I had them clarify it for me, and what I am stating above is correct. I also believe other reputable bowyers are correct when they state that an even tiller, or small positive tiller, is correct for their bows.
I wish someone could explain to me why it could go one way for some bowyers and the opposite way for other bowyers.