So my wife won a free season pass to a renaissance fair in CT, and she wants me to try and win the archery contest they have there... no wait, it gets better... The rules require on longbows or recurves, shot instinctively with fingers, AND WOOD ARROWS! No wait it gets EVEN BETTER! So I tell her, I don't have wood arrows, I only have a few carbons left. So she tells me to go buy some woodies!! This is the same wife that gets annoyed when I buy 3 broadheads or beaver balls!! Now, here's where it gets good... she says, "And you'll have to practice with them more too"... wow! So, not only do I get to FINALLY get wood, but I get to PRACTICE WITHOUT BEING HASSELED!! Talk about being in God's favor!!
So, I need some help getting the woodies because this is new territory for me. I read, briefly, the chapter in Conrads' "Traditional Bowhunter's Handbook" on woodies and THINK that I will need a 65-70# spined arrow. Here's my set up. I shoot a Damon Howatt Hunter, 62" 50+@28" which I draw to 28". The arrows will be cut 29" with 200 up front for EFOC stability.
Also I'd like to know where the best place to get some woodies would be and how to care for them (storage, straightening, etc...)
Any help would be appreciated guys!