Predator Anniversary (you can see on their website -- I have #31). Macassar ebony in the riser looks like "leather". I'm having one made now by Rose Oak: Leopardwood and Bolivian rosewood in the riser with Imbuia limb veneers. While it isn't wood, I think Phenolic (black) looks very good in a riser grip area and it is tough as nails. I have a Fox High Sierra with Shedua and Coccobol in the riser and Osage under clear glass limbs. The limbs started out fairly bright yellow but quickly aged to a very dull yellow which is a terrific look. One thing the bowyer, Brandon Stahl told me was not to put too many different woods in the riser and limbs or the bow starts to look like its made of spare scraps. By the way, I have several customs that I really like but I think Stahl's bows (if you like recurves) are fantastic! I have two on order- a one-piece Super Wildcat and his new TD Super Wildcat. His build time is very long -- his waiting list is December 2010 at this moment but after trying out his loaner Super Wildcat I know I won't anticipate receiving a new bow more than I will this one--I'll be fit to be tied a month out!