A lot of good advice there.I use steel adaptors now but used the aluminum ones for many years.I may have,but I just don't remember bending an aluminum adaptor.For sure,I didn't bend any on hits on game.I do remember bending lots of arrows.
Don't sweat that either.You will bend an occassional aluminum shaft if you hit a rock or side swipe a tree.They will get bent if one stays in a big game animal.It won't happen enough to break the bank,just an occasional thing.
The Zwickey heads are excellent and have been the choice of some serious bowhunters for many decades.
I agree with keeping it simple for now.Learning to tune the arrows to the bow will be enough for now.Once you figure that out,you will be able to accomplish it a lot quicker the next time.Once you master that and have the shooting fundamentals down,there will come a day when you have worn out most of your set of arrows,so when you need new ones,that would be the time to change your setup if you want to.By then,you will understand the sport better and you will know exactly what you want.
Above all,let it be fun.Enjoy the time working with the arrows,mounting the points,practicing-all of it.Pace yourself and don't let become a chore.Don't sweat bad shooting days,we all have them.Just hang it up and come back fresh,knowing it will get better.It will.
You have already seen,there is a ton of information here and it can get overwhelming to someone just starting.Don't ever think you are a bother asking questions.Your questions are pertinent and you are just trying to get it right.Everyone on this sight was a beginner once.
Now get those arrows put together and have some fun.