Well about a year ago my wife said she wouldn't mind having a bow to shoot. My negligent and foolish self didn't jump on the opportunity. Well me and her dad have started shooting a lot more, watching videos and having a real great time lately and she reminded me today that she asked for a bow. I'm not making this mistake again!
Where do I start? How do I figure out what weight she needs for just target shooting, how do I get draw length without having a bow she can pull back, and what is a good over length bow for a sweet little lady that is just squeezing out 5' tall and could easily slide through an 8 wire cattle fence?
BTW- Thank you masters of the barebow. This is what lit the fire again. There was a comment on the second dvd about how sad it is that kids get involved with sports that can't keep up their whole life, and archery is not only something for the rest of your life but for the whole family. We got to talking about how much fun it would be to have the whole family outside shooting around the ranch and it just makes sense.