hey mudd, good to hear your take on both bows, thanx for sharing!
that's what's best about trad gang - we can all share our perhaps differing thoughts and opinions on stuff and not take it personal or get into a squabble or escalate to something worse.
gotta love the gang!
fwiw, my moab is 1pc, 60", 52.5# @ 29", as compared to my 2pc, 62", 55.1# @ 29" mohawk.
to me, these bows are like night and day, with the moab like a little hot rod speedster firecracker that's not at all so forgiving ... and the mohawk like a solid, stable, very forgiving oak tree.
arrows used for my comparing are 29.5" beman 500, 4" 4-fletch offset banana fletching, with a total weight of 535gr for the moab and 570gr for the mohawk - mass differences achieved solely by changing the upfront weight, foc varied from 25.2% to 27.6%
hey mudd, what happened to yer photobucket images???