I've been shooting my 28" 5575's out of my 51# bow with a 27" draw, rest centered. My bow spine is 58 according to Stu.
With 125 gr. points, 70 gr. weights, they weigh 458 gr. FOC is 20.3%. Dynamic Spine is 75.5 according to Stu. I paper tuned these with a 200 gr. point.
If I put on 200 gr. points, the Dynamic Spine is 59.1 (close to bow).
I've been trying to use the horizontal and vertical tape method to try to see if the arrows shoot differently with different weight points. I've tried 125, 145, 175, 200, 250 gr. points.
I've shot from 5/10 yards but the arrows all act the same. If I settle down and shoot with good form, I can make small bullseye's with all arrows going in nock straight.
I thought the arrows would act differently. Go left, right, not be able to group, etc.
Surely, they aren't supposed to act the same with such a difference in point weight? What can I be doing wrong?