just thought i'd share some pics of a set of arrows i just finished. i've been putting off fletching these for about 2 months so i pulled my finger out and spent 5 hours yesterday putting feathers on them. another 2 hrs this morning finishing them with melted bees wax. don't ask me how many hours total it has taken me from go to woe. i don't want to know.
just looking forward to the fruits of thy labour now.
the white point in the middle i made myself. it will be a special moment when it does it's job!
the 2 points at the bottom i'm saving for a scrub bull.
the point in the bottom left is a buffalo testing survivor. i just had to reknapp the broken tip and give it a new shaft of lighter spine. it's a point that woody blackwell gave me.
the others points were given to me by bill skinner. the turkey feathers were given to me by northerncaliforniahunter. the shafts are surewoods. thank you guys.
these arrows have tradgang mojo!