Hog Deer in Australia can ONLY be hunted from the first Day of April until the last day in April.
They are the only Deer species in Australia that require tags to hunt them, if you are lucky enough to take a deer in Victoria you must take the animal to a checking station where they record all your personal details, date, time and location where taken. They measure the shoulder height, length and girth of every deer taken and antler if a Stag.
All stags are photographed (I believe this is in part to recognize if stags have been taken Illegally). The reproductive condition of the hind is recorded and the lower jaw bone is removed so every animal can be aged.
A mature male weighs approx 88 pounds and is 2.2 foot high
A mature female weighs approx 66 pounds and is 2 feet high
The Stag pictured would be considered an excellent stag to most hunters
There are a number of public areas available to hunt Hog deer and also a Ballot is held in several areas, private property is the bow hunters best chance at securing a Hog deer but gaining access is difficult mainly due to the deer being heavily poached.
Forgot to mention they are the best eating of ALL the deer found in Australia