Guys...and gals...
I throw down the towell. After the 20 best reasons, I have no place left to go. I admit that Gene is funnier than I. This hurts, but I have to be honest.
Now, the fact that everything he wrote was plagerized should be noted.
Heck... I put a fork sticking up out of the Moose John River when I was floating it with a much smaller Wensel. I was photographing it and Gene saw me and asked why I was doing it. I told him I was going to do a story on the trip and include this photo with the caption: "We came to this fork in the river and didn't know which way to go." He then asked if he could have a copy of the picture after it was developed. I sent him one after the trip. Next thing I know, I look in the latested PBS magazine and there is MY photo and MY quote, with Gene taking the credit for himself.
So, although I have thrown in the towell, I strongly suspect that Gene got all this humorous stuff from someone else, as he is not smart enough to do it himself. He gets most of his funny lines from Grease Man Manelli tapes that some dude Washington DC sends him, by-the-way.
Also, if you ever share a camp with the twins, bring a big trunk with a HUGE padlock and lock up your food.
My last thought to convey to you readers is for you to remember that all those growth hormones had to go SOMEWHERE! It's got to be why so many women flock to me.
Way Too F. Short