I have a Shaggy longcoat ultralight. Looks just like Gary's above. I do not wear the face mask part, but use another cloth half mask that I had before.
I also use the boonie, but take the left strap / string and route it behind my ear, not in front, like is normal.
This helps keep it from moving so much when turning, as stated above, and tends to keep it cocked so I can shoot better.
I use aftermarket gloves that have sewn on leaflike material that really complete the set up.
I had to trim a lot, both the coat and the boonie.. and also the top of my bow hand glove.
I have had some very close encounters while wearing that thing and it is definately part of my hunting repertoire now.
I wear waders to access certain areas I hunt, in a marsh. I have found that keeping them on and wearing the shaggy over it might actually help keep my scent contained, maybe to a large degree. anecdotal, but it has happened a bit too often to not hold some fact for me.