I know you will have a bunch of guys weigh-in on this.
Let me test my understanding here, you are wanting a bow LONGER than 60"? From all I have read and through my experience you would get "optimum" performance from a bow that is 2X your draw length plus 5-10%. That would put a bow for your draw length between 52" and 54". Now, that's a pretty short bow in my book. I think the formula may be more effective for folks looking at how short they can go.
All that being said, my wife has a draw length similar to yours and she shoots bows from 54" all the way up to 62". The shorter bows (even at the same poundages) do shoot faster, more efficiently may be a better word.
You can tinker with the brace height to get better performance with any bow.
What I really think it comes down to is, what is the most fun for you. I don't think you can damage a bow under-drawing it. If you want to speak softly and shoot a big stick, go for it.