Well today I did a little lookin' around. I have had a hard time getting turkies to come all the way into my set-up and needed to look over a farm I have permission to hunt. It is an awesome little farm.

These 2 let me know they were onto me.

I owl hooted and tried to get a shock gobble and called in not one but three of these dudes.

I then rounded a bend in a thicket to see if I could strike a bird only to be met by my old friend.

She is about 4 years old now and has had healthy fawns every year. She drug a huge buck to me last year that stayed just out of bow range. She also ruined a turkey hunt for me 2 years ago when the gobbler that was coming on a string to my bow came unglued at the site of my white friend standing 15 feet upwind of me. She and I are connected, and I have counted coup on her many times. Someday she will send a buck to me to repay me for my favor.

Until then the little piebald looks the other way when I pass in the spring and agrees to dodge the other hunters in the fall so that we can have more moments like this.