I just put the wife and I in, she drew a bull tag lastyear and got a nice 4x4 with her .270 I built her, dropped him with one shot at 150 yds, neckshot. Not as cut and dried as you would think, we spent several weekends on public land, did it ourselves scouting with a friend, no guide. The reason you can get them out whole, is a lot of acces roads on steep terrain, slide them right down to the road and in the back of a tilt trailer. I have put in every year, but no luck. She shot her elk on a 70degree grade, slid him 300yards to an access road in 10 minutes. If it is in a place you need to skin and quarter, bone out, there is not problem, they just wanted them whole first few years to examine the stomachs, take samples and so on. Her elk made 290# of proceessed meat, mud fat and deliciouis. We did a European Mount because of size,and had the HIde tanned, hair on for a throw, beautiful souvenir of the hunt. If you have any more questions PM me. Sam.