Yesterday was the opening day in Ct and I headed out to my buddy's place. He had been seeing a ton of birds around and very few of them hens. I work nights so i couldn't roost the birds the night before but based on what the birds did last year and where he had been seeing them in the mornings I knew where I wanted to set up my blind. It was where two wood roads meet in a small pine grove in between a mowed field and a "meadow".
It was 36 degrees and 17 mph winds when i left the truck at 4:30am. A friend came along to try and catch the hunt on film. The morning started off slow but around 6:30 we heard gobbles and they were coming closer, so i started calling. a lone Jake came in to the decoy and we decided that since it was on film we'd take the first legal bird. he caught me drawing and turned to leave but it was too late. The VPA Terminator caught him center of the back and he trotted off with the arrow sticking out of the center of his chest and went down in less than 40yds. we sat tight to see what else would come in. I heard a hen and she was really calling, so i coppied her calls and kept cutting her off. She got steamed and came in with another hen and beat my hen decoy up something bad, knocked it right over. 3 big toms came over to see what the commotion was. they came in to just a few yards but stayed just too far off to the left of the blind from where i was sitting. i tried to lean over and shoot but my limbs hit the blind and sent the arrow off course. The walked off and kept strutting for the hens. After they finally left we got out and got my bird. as we were packing out we heard another gobbler on the other side of the property. man what a morning.
Today we moved the blind a few yards over in hope that if the birds came in the same way i'd have a clear shot. The morning was slow again but began picking up and all morning we had toms, hens or jakes behind the blind, they just naver came in front. They all finally left and we figured we'd give it another hour. 10 minutes later more birds came in from the other direction, heading for the first group of birds. 2 long beards walked by at about 40yds heading up the field, but 3 toms and a jake commited to my set up. they cmae in fast and put on quite a show. as the biggest bird pushed my decoy around and prepared to mount her he faced away and i shot. the arrow passed through and the bird was hit hard, he stumbled as i tried to get another in him and missed, the 3rd shot connected at about 30yds and rolled him over!
As we left we were still hearing gobbles on 2 sides of us. This is truley turkey heaven, lots of toms and very few hens with little hunting pressure!
The jake
The Tom