Another one commits suicide! It sure is nice to have lots of lightly hunted birds within 5 minutes of the back door. Made it to work by 8 AM.
Had a bit of bad luck and my boat sheared off a couple of bolts in the lower unit Jet drive. Had to have the neighbor tap out the broken bolts and he didn't have it ready so I could go striper fishing this morning. Forced me to go turkey hunting instead. Knowing I would be trying for them this morning I headed out last night to roost a few. Everything worked out perfect as there were birds everywhere. I had a group of 6 Jakes and a mature Tom that must've been a 2 1/2 year old that I decided not to bother with as I wasn't interested in a Jake. I then located 3 mature Toms and 10 hens. Right at last light the hens and 2 Toms headed up a ridge on the lower field and the remaining Tom headed to a corner that necks down between two fields. I pretty much knew what tree he was going to roost in and knew he'd be the one to meet my TimberHawk longbow in the morning. Arrived early this morning and it was 32 degrees with a heavy frost and what wasn't frozen was a heavy dew. I knew the Tom wouldn't go into the grass field as they just don't do it early when it is wet and frosty. I also didn't think he'd go to the recently plowed field as they don't like to get clumped up mud on their feet. That left a nicely trimmed tractor trail coming down off the ridge to the 2 lower fields. I placed "Loose Lucy" right in the middle of the trail about 75 yards from where "Horny Hal" was roosted up. Sure enough before good light a goose honked on the creek and Hal lit it up. He was ready for some action. After it got a bit lighter out and after he gobbled at a goose again I gave him a little sweet talking just to let him know Lucy was happy to see him. At about 5:38 AM he hit the road and was strutting to Lucy. I normally wait and give them the "ole Frank Zappa" but at 6 yards he stuck his neck out and behind a little Tulip tree allowing me to draw and shoot. Amazingly the shot went right into the base of the wing butt and kept right on going. I normally don't shoot through turkeys but this time I did. I changed my broadhead from my normal wide Snuffer to a narrow Woodsman. Seemed to make a difference. Anyway a few flops later and a diving grab that Ishi would've been proud of and I had my 2nd bird of the season. This one was even faster than the 1st bird. I love it when a plan comes together. Nice bird with a 10" beard, 7/8" spurs, and about 20#s. The photo shows the shot placement. Good luck everyone! I know I'm happy to have some luck!
Curt, you are about 50 times the hunter I am. I know you must have a 2nd turkey story to tell. Don't be holding out on us. At least give us an update.