Are you afraid to use arrow wraps? Onestringer.com has pink and you can mix their solid colors if you buy more then a Dozen...Now listen if you buy a dozen solids it will cost you $4.00 to your door,,,Buy 8 ( yes I said eight dozen)and the cost is $18.00 to your door...Now I bought the 10 " and cut them in a paper cutter to my size and had me some leftover short ones for kids arrows if need be..They are a sponser here and they have a chart so you can size them to whatever shaft you have...I used to paint all my arrows till I bit the bullet and tried wraps...They have all kinds of designs so price will vary if you want fancy but Solids are the cheapest and they can't be beat...I had mine in less then three days..God Bless and if you like the smell of the fumes then paint them... :D