Sorry if I haven't got back to anyone today who may have called or sent a note.....Been runnin' since 4:00 this morn, so I'll try to keep this short...
This morning was supposed to be a blind hunt with Cade and I. But when I got home last night from trying to roost a bird, his mother and him had decided that Sunday would be better.
So now the choice...I had myself "ready" to hunt out of the blind first....then if things worked out, go ghillie.
After talking to Cade he convinced me to try the ghille/bow blind. I was still getting things together at 10:00 last night. Not sure if I was "mentally ready", but I was going for it.
Went to a spot that's a long walk, so I wouldn't be hunting it with Cade.
Birds started gobbling a little late and not very much...till I called trying to sound like the first hen on the ground....then several birds started sounding off.
I gotta say I felt a little uncomfortable with out my blind around me, and not quite sure if this would work out.
I had Floyd, my strutting jake decoy, and a hen decoy in front of him. He was about 12 yds. away.
So about 5:45, her come the birds, I first see them at about 100yds. First 3-4 hens, then 3 jakes, then 2 gobblers. Same group of birds I'd watched walk right past where I was now set-up last weekend.
They start to kinda skirt around me, so I call and both gobblers exploded with gobbles!
They got about even with me, but up hill about 50yds. out of sight. I knew from there they'd see "Floyd".
First in was the three jakes, then hens and both big longbeards cruised right in to Floyd.
I was sitting on my stool, ghillie hat, ghillie glove,ghille bow blind...bottom limb resting on the ground.
I was constantly scanning all the birds to see when my chance might come, but with so many!
So when one of the big birds walked behind Floyd and was hidden for a second behind his fan at about 15yds., I slowly started to raise my bow, while scanning to see who was going to bust me.....
So far so I slowly started to pull, and I pulled, and pulled, and pulled...just waiting for something to go wrong....
Next thing I knew I was at full draw and the arrow was gone! Not a bird spooked, putted or anything.....I missed!
No excuses, I just plain missed...but I think I was so "worried" about something going wrong, I didn't do my part "right". I just never bared down and got serious about picking a spot and drilling him like I should have...rookie!
But now I have the confidence to "know" how to get it done.
Dang, almost pulled it off on the first "ghille hunt"!
Here was the set-up...


Now imaging me sitting in that stool in front of that big old apple tree. If you look very close you can see my ghillie'd up bow with bow blind standing up in my in the ground bow holder. What great camo! The set-up was about perfect.
After all this I'll be confident and ready for the next encounter.
On a very good note, Cade and I in the morning will be set-up within 100yds. of 4 big gobblers that I roosted tonight
Not sure if it's the "3 Stooges" and "Crossroads", or "2 Thirds"-"Nacho"- "Clyde" and "Crossroads"....I'll be able to tell when they strutt into "Floyd" in the AM
Wish us luck fellas, I really want to "get this done" with Cade by my side