I've used them for shooting off the shelf,but an this is a big BUT,you have to shoot cock vane in and your arrow MUST be perfect in spine.
Any over spine an you can simply forget it,slightly under spined is ok.
The reason for this is with Cock vane in the paradox will make your hen vanes clear the shelf with no problem.
The Cock vane will still touch the strike plate but not enough to effect arrow flight.
My cock vanes do show very slight wear from touching the strike plate,but it takes a lot of shots before it becomes obvious.
Two things here,a rest will make it easier,but if you look at the hens if your shooting cock vane out,you will still see wear,and if your shooting cock vane in,you'll also still see wear,,it's just not enough contact to effect flight.
#2 There's nothing wrong with feathers bro',,,I mean if your living in OZ,,,when did you last see rain anyway,,,;^)