Thanks to everyone for the kind words
I'm still "floatin'"....still no words to describe how good it felt/feels....
For anyone that was wondering, the gobbler was a lonely, eager, 2yr. old tom....7/8" spurs, 8 1/2" beard...perfect!
Before we even got out of the blind Cade asked if I'd mount the tail, beard, and spurs and put them in his room

That's my boy!
Charlie, you mentioned turning your B-Mobile into a it buddy!
I turned "Floyd" into a jake before last years season and have never used it as a big gobbler since.(although he worked very well as a mature gobbler)
I figure any big gobbler that sees it will still be ticked off enough to come and show him who's boss. Also being a jake, all the subordinate toms and jakes will find him a target for a butt-kickin'!
I've cut his beard, cut his snood down, added more bright red to his head, and gave him a jake-like tail with a really accentuated middle section so a gobbler can easily identify "Floyd" as a jake.
By the way this gobbler was a bird I saw for the first time last Friday. He was #8 in this particular orchard...We named him "Neight"
Thanks again everyone