So we got the the other side of the orchard and had soon found a lonely, hard gobbling, all by himself, gobbler!
We actually had to back out some. loop around to get to where I hoped he might come to us. He was on an adjoining property, and across a creek. I've called birds across this creek before, but also had some hang up at it. We rolled the dice.....
I got everything set-up, ready to go, then left Cade for a minute to sneak 50yds closer to call to the gobbler to let him know we(a hen) was here... I called and he hammered right back, I called again and he hammered on!
I explained to Cade about how good it is to find a lonely, looking for love single gobbler, but also explained about how the creek might be a problem...but I did say that I had a real good feeling he'd come.
After going back and forth several times, and about ten minutes of silence on our end and his, I had a strong feeling he was on his way.
I called and could immediately tell he'd crossed the creek and was now in the orchard right down the hill from us! This was getting good!!!
A couple minutes later I peeked out the back side of the blind and saw his red head peeking over the rise about 30yds. away. Cade couldn't see him yet. Things were getting real serious now...
He was looking real hard, but from where he was, couldn't see the dekes. I need him to get about 10yds. closer to see "Floyd" and his 2 girlfriends. I purred softly, he walked slowly toward us, but still behind us in a place I couldn't shoot even if he came close enough to shoot.
As he closed I could instantly tell when he saw "Floyd"...He puffed up and started strutting right at him!
I told Cade he'd be able to see him any second and to keep absolutely still, he knew that already though...
He walked right past a hen deke going straight to "Floyd" as they always do. I planned on letting him do a lap around "Floyd", and wait for a shot at his back. He walked a couple yards past "Floyd", in half strutt, quartering away...Green light!!!
When the arrow hit, I knew it was good! He raised his near wing and I could instantly see blood coming out!!
I quickly said to Cade..."we got him buddy, perfect shot!"
He flopped for about 15yds. and within seconds was still....
Huge hugs and kisses!! I actually had to stop myself from squeezing too hard....My goodness, it took 4 hunts, over three seasons, but we'd finally done it!! I'd finally had killed a gobbler while Cade was with me to see the whole thing....exciting beyond belief, for both of us!!!!!
A view to a kill...

Yes Joey, of course I had to include you in the hunt! Thanks again for the 30# spools bud!
He's laying to the left in the pic among all the feathers in the grass...

Blood was instant at the spot of impact...

Walking up to him and the arrow...

They sure don't go far at all when hit right...

Where the 160 Snuffer entered...

And exited...