The weather was warm, the wind mild, and carried with it a hint of seabreeze.
Green grass and flowers swayed gently as me and a friend packed up for a full day of roving, fishing and eating!
We strapped on our backpacks and started walking. Through small streams, over grassy fields with the occasional stump to shoot at.
After some walking we stopped by a pond/small lake to cast some lures, when I suddenly found out I had left my new Whip in the car.
I got his carkeys and started running back. After what seemed an endless run I got to the car,
opened it and grabbed the sock with the bow in it.
As I grasped I could not believe what my hand felt. The clinch made two pieces of wood slip slowly from one another.
I opened the sock, and the bow had delaminated due to the heat!
I was so shocked, but relieved to find that 5 seconds later I woke up, in my bed at home!
Never been so happy to have a nightmare, so I'll be watching the heat this summer, if it ever comes!