Thans fellars,I appreciate it....I type real slow but here's a rundown of the morning....I was shooting a BigJim Buffalo bow 62" 50@ 28 with a 35/55 goldtip 100 grain brass insert & a 125gr Magnus Bullhead....
I roosted a bird Tueday night when I got off work,he gobbled at every owl hoot I made.Set-up Weds morning were I thought he would go when he flew down but things didn't work out like I planned.I couldn't check him last night to see were he was roosted so went this morning hoping he would be close to the same spot.I left quite abit earlier than normal so I could give myself plenty of time to get to were I needed to be well before gobbling time.
At 6:30 I heard my first gobble & it was him right were he was the morning before.I could hear some weaker gobbles with him that sounded like a jake.He gobbled off & on & I could hear some hens that sounded like they were on the opposite ridge probably 150 yards away.I give them a couple of calls to let them know I was there..I listened to them for several more minutes before I couldn't hear them as good & I knew they were on the ground.Several minutes later I hear gobble & it's out the ridge from me 75 yards or so.Wasn't long before I could see a couple of bobbing heads & then a strutting bird..It was a gobbler with 4 jakes & he was showing them who was "BOSS"...They were crossing out in front of me heading away,they couldn't see my decoys.I call to get their attention & the jakes raise their heads up & see the decoys.Those froze just starring in my direction.The gobbler finally gets to were he can see my decoys & in a half strut walks all the way in.My decoys are 6 steps from my blind & when he was right around 8 yards or so is when he caught the Bullhead to the left side of the neck.After seeing Bill Dunns "super jake"I figured I'd better not take any chances & went out to make sure he wasn't going anywere.season ends here in a couple of days & this was gonna be my last chance to hunt this Spring.
My decoy is a B-mobile that I trimmed a couple of inches off the bottom of the body trying to make him look smaller & put a real jake fan on him.Put a different stake on him as well so I can get him down on the ground...
The bird weighs 19# 9 1/2" beard & razor sharp 1" spurs(2 year old)