I just wanted to share this with you all.My church body has several bible studies called Home Groups that meet weekly to grow as a family in Christ.Our HG is always doing great things espicially mens day out.Everyone knows how much I love Trad.Archery and hunting,so I was asked to put together a shoot at my house,which is the home to the Cool Springs Range @ 20 3d's.
I hosted the shoot to those who never shot a Trad bow.I had various bows in longbows and recuves,some mine some borrowed form the Gang.I spent hours picking out arrows that would closely match the bows I had to shoot.I made some extra armguards out of GM seat covers I had made out of leather and the arrows commenced to flying.It was so much fun to see grown men light up when they were able to hit their mark.
I then took them to the 3D range and I thought I had a group of teenage boys with weapons terroizing the foam animals.I had never thought That would have made such an impact on these grown men.I had created in just a few hours new fellowship and for them a deeper love for the sport I love so much.Thought I would share this.