Next time I was there I set up in the dark above another water hole and waited for what may turn up.
The noise of the birds and other animals at dawn was almost deafening, great to be in a new country sampling the wildlife.
I saw a few red squirels and a grey fox that came to 10 yards, shorter legged than ours with a wider muzzle, decided against shooting him as I was waiting for the elusive Benado (deer) to turn up, brocket family, standing about 3 feet high.
Saw some interesting spoor which I was later informed was 'orso migera', Giant ant eater, big powerful animals, one of the farm dogs was later to loose an eye and a get a hole through its ribcage about an inch in diameter from getting too close to one.
I moved closer to the water in the hope of spotting something coming for an afternoon drink in the heat of the day...
but was only visited by a mare and its foel.
some interesting birds.....
that had some incredible nests, constructed better than some of the housing here...
and lots of mosquitos!