I've made several changes to my arrow setup and tactics that have drastically reduced my costs. First, I switched to carbon. The vast majority of my shooting is stumping. With wood, I was breaking at least one every time I went. I'd go through a dozen a month. I need them full length, so I could only get one retaper.
I broke a couple of my GT7595s on some rocks, but haven't since I footed them. I primarily use AD Hammerheads and judos. They are incredibly tough and the judo keep them from snaking under grass.
I have to say that my dog has saved me a couple of shafts that I thought I had no hope of finding. If I take him with me, I do have to refletch a lot, though. He likes to carry the arrows by the feathers and on long shots, he'll get there way before I can.
I also stopped shooting at the same spots on my targets. That has saved my a bunch of nocks and feathers.
Basically, I've used the same 6 AD Hammerheads for several months now. I have a few gt7595s that I rotate in. I have refletched them a bunch of times and some of them have nicks in the finish (thanks to the dog). Unless I get stupid and shoot where I know I'll lose one, they should be around for a while.
I shoot every day, for at least an hour. I have no idea how many times I shoot, but it's a lot. When stumping, I pick a spot, shoot, retrieve, then shoot a new target. I try to imagine I'm shooting at a critter, so sometimes my targets are in tough places. Bright fletching helps finding them, too.
I will say that if I shot 3D, I'm sure I'd lose a heck of lot of arrows.