There are are many factors which impact penetratrion. GPP is merely one of the main factors and is not on the top of the list per DR Ashby. The following is some exerts taken from one of Dr Ashby's studies.
1.Structural Integrity- from BH tip and edge strength to nock
- tiny tip bend results in an average penetration loss of 14%
2. Arrow Flight- the ‘ENABLER’ permits other factors to work at full efficiency
-- Poor arrow flight squanders arrow force
-- Even with every other factor in place, w/o good arrow flight you’ll still have poor arrow performance
3. Extreme FOC ( >19%) - 1st notable gains are manifested at levels >19%
- Normal FOC - < 12%
- High FOC - >12 % to 19%
- EFOC contributes to a 40% to a 60% increase in penetration having most of the enhancing features
4. Mechanical Advantage - BH MA ranks this high because it has a more pronounced influence on the outcome penetration of a perfectly flying and structurally sound arrow
5. Shaft Dia & ferrule Dia - 10% penetration gain when shaft dia is 5% smaller than the BH ferrule dia
- Aver penetration decrease of 30% when shaft dia > BH ferrule dia
- 40% difference in tissue penetration when comparing a favorable ratio to one w/unfavorable ratio
6. Arrow Mass - Greater mass increases bow efficiency, absorbing more of the bow’s energy when fired. That means more arrow force.
- Arrow’s tissue penetration is directly proportional to its momentum
7. Edge Finish - A smooth, beard shaving sharp honed & stropped edge works best
- 26% advantage over smoothly filed sharp edge
- 60% advantage over serrated edges
8. Shaft Profile - Tapered shafts show 8% penetration advantage over parallel shafts and 15% over barrel-tapered shafts
- Parallel shafts show 7% advantage over barrel-tapered shafts
9.BH/Arrow Silhouette - Rough & irregular surfaces increase arrow drag in all tissues and is more pronounced during bone penetration
10. Type of Edge Bevel - Single bevel – No down-side to using single bevel BH on any type hit
11. Tip Design - Tips design greatest importance on shots impacting bone. Tonto Tip demonstrates 27.5% better over 2nd best performer(round).
12. Arrow mass(wt) above the heavy bone threshold - this factor jumps to very near the head of all factors, excepting only structural integrity & perhaps fight arrow quality
- Bone impacts of one type or another occur on most hits, and bad hits can occur at any time
- the threshold is at, or very near 650 grains
13. Arrow force derived from the bow - substantial gain in arrow force from your bow requires either obtaining a more efficient bow or increasing draw wt
- penetration gains obtainable by increasing draw wt pales in comparison to that achieved through better arrow design