Heres some food for thought. We have so many laws that even the police selectively enforce them. Perhaps we need less laws! The level of beauraucracy we live under is pendulous and ridiculous! The government is trying to save everyone from themselves. How about instead we just hold everyone accountable for their actions instead.
It is every citizens right to choose to disobey the law. It is the right of a law enforcement office to site you for it, and the judge and two attorneys to help decide who is right. That is how the system works.
Anyone here drive? Anyone of you wants to tell me you have never driven faster than the speed limit? We all have! We all selectively break laws when we find them inconvenient. To me there is no difference between speeding which kills way more people than all weapons combined in this country and shooting a bow in your back yard when the law says you can't. With the exception that your speeding is way more dangerous to you and a lot more people than shooting your bow.
When enough people break a law often enough, they eventually become useless and either go away or become totally unenforced. For example the speed limit in Washington State is now 70 mph on major highways. Used to be 55 mph. Guess what. Everyone didn't give a rats *** about that law and the state looked at it and decided it was better to raise the speed limit and enhance traffic movement while reducing the lawsuits and complaints from the citizens.
Passive disobedience is quite simply the singly most American act a citizen can perform with voting, and military service a very close second and, nonpassive disobedience close behind that. Note : Boston Tea Party and the Revolutionary War are good examples of non-passive disobedience to a sovereign government. They are why we exist as a nation
Some folks toe the line, others don't. You may not like it, but if they are not damaging others then they have the right to do so. Each individual chooses what is ethical for them and no one else can force their views on them. Welcome to living in a free country. You don't have to like it, but you do have to accept it. Doing otherwise is forcing your views on others and taking away their rights. That way leads to despotism and in this world communism. Having seen both a close range on the back side of a gun. Neither one is a good option for people in general.
I can break the law, it is my right. The government has the right to punish me when caught violating those laws. It it part and parcel of being American. I tend to obey the law. I also tend to forget and speed once in a while. I am not a horrible citizen, but also not a perfect one. Just like freedom of speech includes the right to speak, freedom to keep and bear arms includes the rightful use and practice with those arms. If you don't like hearing the constitution then move to a communist country they don't have one. It is the basis of every law, rule, and regulation we have. Without it we would be just like the rest of the world and having seen a lot of it personally, I can comfortably sat that would suck!
Americans seem to have forgotten that a law being enacted without a vote of the full people is only a law if the people choose to obey it. Government agencys make all sorts of "laws" without a vote. They are called ordinances, statutes, etc... Guess what, a good lawyer can beat all or most of them depending on the municipality. You know why. They are not laws! They were not enacted by the people, but by bureucrats who do not have the publics best interest in mind. I have quite a bit of experience in this having worked for a City for several years now. We have a Pot Bellied Pig law. No one had a pot bellied pig, no one has a pot bellied pig, no records of their every being a pot bellied pig here. Yet for no apparent reason we have a pot bellied pig law. We just implimented a chicken and no roosters ordinance. It is causing great amusement among the citizens and city hall employees and is very hard to explain with a straight face. Stupid law? Yep, silly? Yep, implimented by bearucrats? yep.