I will give you some thoughts on my first trad season. I finally killed a bird. I am a veteran turkey hunter. I have been hunting turkeys since I can remember. Killing a bird with a bow takes a totally different approach.
Patience, Patience, Patience.
I sort of use the same theory that I do when I am shotgunning, but being stationary makes the archery a whole lot easier. I am not saying that you can't run and bow, but I struck out more doing this than stopping, taking a deep breath, and devising a plan.
The bird that you mention is all too common with Eastern species. The are honory creatures.
You seem to have the right idea by setting up on the strut zone. I take a similar approach with a bow. I use a three and out method.
1. Try decoys. I have learned from guys on this board that the more realistic the better. This is definately the best advise. I have spooked several birds with a strutter. I would use no more than a jake and hen to start. If he doesn't like the jake try a hen only. Try fighting purrs with the jake.
2. If he is gobbling crazily on the roost and no hens are talking, try and cut his gobble witha yelp a couple times. This is the only time that I would advise calling to a turkey on the roost. If he doesn't fly your direction or start meandering your way. Don't try this again.
3. If he is consitantly flying down under his tree or to the right or left, then it is time to start thinking of a new position without decoys.
I like to take a gobblers temp with these methods before I move. The key is patience. It may take 3 trys before you move, but this will give you an idea of how to devise your next plan. Remember that if you have time to hunt all day that if the gobbler answers you at any point, he knows you are there, and will not forget your location. He will more than likely drop by at some point that day. It could be immeadiately or it could be noon or later. It all depends on how many hens that he has at his disposal. This is where extreme patience comes in. It is unfortunate for a working man that turkeys can't tell time. Lol.!
These are just some opinions and methods that have worked for me. I used these methods this season by hunting from a blind. I had many encounters with the birds just out of range, but hey that is bowhunting. Good luck, and hope this helps.