This is something I have always had lots of fun with. I started hunting waterfowl with my bow that very first year as a traditional bowhunter. I would camo up every evening about a hour before dark when I came home from school. And go lay in the corn feild. No blind, no decoys, just a goose call, a half dozen arrows and a silly kid laying on his back in the feild. The bow was by my side, and I would just lay there and wait. Wouldnt be 20 mins later and a flock of regulars would start the process. Their was and still is to this day a local flock of ducks that would come off the creeks and ponds and sleep in the corn field at night. They would range from groups of 50-200 ducks at a time. I would wear my netting mask backwards to cover my eyes and wait for them to land close to where I was laying. This field is about 15 acres, so narrowing it down to about 2 acres, that still doesn't get me within the magical 15 yard range. I was never hunting for guts or glory, just some meat
. I had eaten duck once before and absolutely loved it. So I was determined to get one. I think the closest shot I got was about 35 yards. I was more than capable of making a shot like that. But it just never happened, more often than not I would be shooting in some of the weirdest positions ever, not once did I get a good solid "normal" position, not even a kneeling one. So that probably is why I never connected.
Time went on and I learned about this "mysterious" code of ethics towards waterfowl. So I have not shot at waterfowl on the ground since. But I pose a question to all that think shooting a duck on the ground is unethical- Do you guys think that a native American would have passed up a duck because it was sitting on the ground? If you want the meat, you want the meat. Thats like passing up a doe because the shot was too close? Seriously, lol!!!
Now on to the main topic, I have shot at probably over 24 different geese. Each and every time they were not locked up, mainly because I have no decoys. They were just flying over my head. So that would probably be why I cannot kill one with my bow, lol. I am almost 99% sure that if I can get them to lock up on me, and glide in I will kill one. I shoot aerial all the time, so that is defiantly not a problem. I think it is finally time to get some shell decoys for the field, but man are they expensive, lol