Turkey hunting was a bust this morning (15-May-10) but carp hunting was a blast.
It was chilly this morning, which kept the mosquitoes to a minimum. Sat on the ridge beyond Dylan's big oak tree and as it began to get light, I noticed there was a turkey roosting about 50 yards away on a branch. Stood to get ready for a shot in the event that the turkey was a tom and in the event that he would be kind enough to come down to the ground within range.
Stood there for an hour watching the dopey thing (a jake, I believe) stroll around on his branch. Heard another gobbler off to my left but didn't want to call with company so close. Eventually, my jake came down from his perch but flew way down into a nearby ravine. Called for a bit but got no response.
Stillhunted towards the back entrance when I heard a bunch of frantic splashing in the creek that runs through the flats. Crept up to see what was what and noticed a *bunch* of more or less landlocked carp. Lessons learned:
1. LL Bean Main Hunting Shoes are great but really aren't built for swamps. The do hold water pretty well though.
2. Bow fishing for carp is pretty fun - got five.
3. You don't really need bow fishing gear as long as you are careful with shot selection - I shot seven or eight times, killed five and lost 0 arrows.
4. Ace Hex Heads - though unconventional for carp - work just fine.