I echo Chop's sentiments about Ray's camp. Great location. Good cover and there was plenty of sign. Excellent food and a great host. Wonderful camp mates!
Danged arthritis sure is a terrible task master! I was dead tired from the drive and didn't sleep in the hotel worth a tinker's _____. So sneaking along alert for several hours Friday took the startch right outa me! The Permanone didn't work or I got all the bites sitting on the porch Sat night too tired to even notice!
But yeah, I had fun. It was hunting as hunting is: Wild game does and goes where it wants...way it should be.
Swamp was a gorgeous diversion for this ole ridge runner! Should've spent more time there, but it was a bit more of a hoof than I was prepared for by Saturday...next time.
I'm bringing a golf cart next time, too. Quiet, swift and get us ole buggars back where the river meets the swamp! Whooie!
13 hr ride back and back through DC traffic after the fireworks, well..it wsa 2am when I hit home... still not rested up!